
Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic School

The school serves our Church, its families, and the community by nurturing Gospel values, academic excellence, and a lifetime of prayer and service. The School is located on Baringer Rd. and has an enrollment of 550 full-time students.

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Make a regular commitment to Eucharist Adoration

Religion Education Catechists

Catechists are people who keep the memory of God alive; they keep it alive in themselves and are able to revive it in others

- Pope Francis

The MBS Catechists are responsible for planning and leading weekly catechetical sessions of school-aged children using the training, resources, and weekly lesson plans provided. The time commitment is for one full school year (September to May) on Sundays.


RCIA is a process of conversion-focused primarily on those belonging to a non-Catholic faith but seeking information on becoming a Catholic. The process begins in the Fall and concludes at Easter. 


  • RCIC
  • Early Learning Center
  • Vacation Bible School
  • Office of Child Protection